Art & Performance Experience


image of a woman holding a red PSC poster and standing among pairs of worn shoes each with a single standing rose, and another person recording her to the left, and people with signs standing off to the side watching, with trees in the background image of a sign laid down on paved ground with black spray-painted text that reads "what would a Black life-affirming campus look like?" and sharpies left next to it along with pairs of shoes each with a single rose. a photo of the black campus gates with a sign attached to it that reads in black spray-paint "What would a Black life affirming campus look like?" with responses handwritten in much smaller writing on the white cloth sign. Blue skies and billowing white clouds in the background.

photo of a handmade cloth and painted sign that shows a pot of gold (with gold sequined fabric) to the left and emanating out from it is a rainbow, across which there is text in white ribbon that reads "FUND CUNY". Text painted in black above the pot of gold reads "DEFUND NYPD + TAX THE RICH".

Co-lead-organizer and co-performer. Art action in front of Brooklyn College to protest budget cuts. Brooklyn, NY. Collaboration between Professional Staff Congress union, Brooklyn College Black Faculty and Staff, and student-led Puerto Rican Alliance. July 2020.

Photograph of a group of women, many with hands raised in solidarity fists and one to the right mid-drumming, standing on the steps of the library with the library in the background. Our mouths are open chanting together.

Participant. Performance of Las Tesis’ “the rapist is you” on Brooklyn Bridge and the steps of New York Public Library at Bryant Park. Brooklyn and Manhattan, NY. December 2019.

Photo of a dinosaur skeleton inside the American Museum of Natural History with two signs held up by people behind it, one reads "OCCUPY" in orange background with black letters and the second sign is red background with "DECOLONIZE THIS MUSEUM" written in white letters. A crowd of people are standing in front, the photo shows mostly the backs of their heads watching where the signs are held and a person standing making a speech.

Image of the Teddy Roosevelt statue in front of the stone building of the American Museum of Natural History partially covered with a tarp, and with a big sign held up by people in front with an orange background and big black letters that read: "ABOLISH WHITE SUPREMACY".

Co-organizer and participant. Decolonize This Museum Anti-Columbus Day Tour at the American Museum of Natural History, led by Decolonize This Place. Manhattan, NY. October 2016.

"NO" written in large letters with birdseed on brick paved ground and a group of pigeons eating the seeds

Participant and co-performer. “No más lucro” [no more profit] written in birdseed performance. Santiago, Chile. Part of the “Direct Action Art / Visual Poetics” Working Group at the New York University Hemispheric Institute Encuentro. July 2016.

image of two red strips of paper (representing gums of a mouth) with white pieces of paper with cards attached to them (representing teeth) wrapped around a telephone pole, with a park and children playing in the background. a dialogue bubble cut out of poster above the mouth reads #languageisaright

Lead artist and co-coordinator. “Vocero” Mouth-shaped Poster Campaign for Language Access. Washington, DC. As part of the DC Mayor’s Office on Latino Affairs. Mouth shaped posters to share multilingual materials about the Language Access Act and rights. Summer 2013.

an image of a mural painted on a brick building with "my language" written in bright letters in Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, Amharic, and French, with other brightly colored abstract shapes.

Co-Coordinator. Language Access for All in DC mural. Washington, DC. MacFarland Middle School. Collaboration between the MuralsDC Program and the Mayor’s Offices on Latino, Asian and Pacific Islander, and African Affairs. Lead mural artist: Juan Pineda. Summer 2012.

Co-Coordinator and co-performer. Language Access Street Theater. Washington, DC. Mayor’s Office on Latino Affairs.
Lead actor and director: Mattias Kraemer. Summer 2011.

Institutes and Trainings

Lead Co-organizer and Participant. CUNY Graduate Center Digital Initiatives (GCDI) Sound Series #GCDISound. Fall 2017 to Spring 2018, New York, NY.

Participant. Digital Humanities Summer Institute at Victoria University: Workshop on Sounds and Digital Humanities. June 12-16, 2017, Victoria, Canada.

Participant. SoundCamp at Stave Hill Ecological Park. May 6-7, 2017, London, England.

Participant. “Curating Knowledge Under Digital Conditions” Meeting, Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Digital Culture Program. March 24, 2017, New York, NY.