
Invited Lectures

Invited Speaker. “Recognition as social reproduction, and the politics of temporality: a perspective from a researcher on the political project of Afro-Chilean groups,” Pontificia Universidad Católica, Department of Anthropology, Research Seminar [translated from Spanish]. September 25, 2019, Santiago, Chile.

Invited Speaker. “Recognition as social reproduction, and the politics of temporality: a perspective from a researcher on the political project of Afro-Chilean groups,” Universidad de Tarapacá, Department of Anthropology, Cycle of Scientific Talks [translated from Spanish]. May 23, 2019, Arica, Chile.

Invited Speaker. “Digital Humanities, Sound, and Anthropology,” Seton Hall University Digital Humanities Colloquium. November 9, 2017, South Orange, NJ.

Conference Presentations

Roundtable Participant. “Truth, Responsibility, and Mental Health in Anthropology: The Crisis in Graduate Student Mental Health and Beyond,” chaired by Beatriz M. Reyes-Foster and Rebecca J. Lester. American Anthropological Association (AAA) Annual Meeting. November 18-22, 2020. St. Louis, MO.

Individual Paper Presentation. “Social Movements as Social Reproduction: Care-work and Afro-Chilean Recognition Politics,” National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) 2020 Conference. November 12-15, 2020. Minneapolis, MN. Postponed due to Covid-19.

Individual Paper Presentation. “Social (Justice) Research as Process: Scholarship as Social Reproduction,” The Graduate Center, CUNY, Futures Initiative and PublicsLab Joint Conference: Graduate Education at Work in the World. May 1, 2020. New York, NY. Postponed due to Covid-19.

Individual Paper Presentation. “If I can’t dance your revolution, I’m not interested!”: Afrodescendant Recognition and Anti-Austerity Politics and Poetics in Northern Chile,” Borders & Bridges: American Ethnological Society / Association for Political & Legal Anthropology Joint Spring 2020 Conference. March 27, 2020. Austin, TX. Cancelled due to Covid-19.

Individual Paper Presentation. “Sensory Ethnography and Storytelling with the Sounds of Voices: Methods, Ethics and Accessibility,” Digital Humanities (DH) 2018 Puentes/Bridges. June 27, 2018. Mexico City, Mexico. View presentation slides and notes here.

Group Poster Presentation, Contributing Author. “Expanding Communities of Practice: The Digital Humanities Research Institute Model,” poster presented by Dr. Lisa Rhody. Digital Humanities (DH) 2018 Puentes/Bridges. June 27, 2018. Mexico City, Mexico.

Individual Paper Presentation. “Thinking through the Politics of Temporality: The Casting of Historical Ruptures in Chilean and United States Politics,” The Graduate Center, CUNY, English Student Association 2018 Conference: Breaking Through: Textures and Aesthetics of Rupture. March 23, 2018, New York, NY.

Co-chair, Co-organizer and Individual Paper Presentation. “Historical Recovery and Resisting Silenced Pasts in Afro-Latin America” Panel, “Asserting the Nation’s Black Past and Present: Women-led Afro-Chilean Activism and Practices of Black Internationalism in Northern Chile” Individual Paper Presentation, American Anthropological Association (AAA) Annual Meeting. December 3, 2017, Washington, DC.

Individual Paper Presentation. “Borders of Race and Nation in Chile: Afro-Chilean Women Activists Dispelling ‘La Raza Chilena,’” University of Colorado at Boulder 7th Annual Graduate Student Conference: Borders: On Boundaries, Barriers, and Transgression in Anthropology. September 30, 2017, Boulder, CO.

Individual Paper Presentation. “Race, Nation and Gender: Afro-descendant Activism in Chile,” The Graduate Center, CUNY, Early Research and Scholarship Conference. September 1, 2017, New York, NY.

Individual Paper Presentation. “Marking Blackness: Territorial and Ideological Borders of Race and Nation in Northern Chile,” Columbia University and Stony Brook University Latin American and Caribbean Studies Center16th Annual Graduate Student Conference: Borders, Borderlands and Border Thinking in Latin America. April 22nd, 2017, New York, NY.

Individual Paper Presentation. “’Mejorando la Raza‘: Reproducing Race and Nation in Chile,” Harvard University and University of Massachusetts Amherst 1st Annual Afro-Latin American Graduate Student Conference: Dialogues and Challenges in the Study of the African Diaspora in Latin America. April 7, 2017, Cambridge, MA.

Individual Paper Presentation. “Marking Blackness: Discourses of Race and Nation in Chile,” panel chaired by Dr. Pamela Calla. American Anthropological Association (AAA) Annual Meeting. November 17, 2016, Minneapolis, MN.

Individual Paper Presentation. “’Mejorando la Raza‘: Reproducing Race and Nation in Chile,” panel chaired by Dr. Christa Craven. American Anthropological Association (AAA) Annual Meeting. November 19, 2016, Minneapolis, MN.

Individual Paper Presentation. “Afro-Chilean Activism and the Digital Commons,” panel chaired by Dr. Ida Susser. Left Forum. May 22, 2016, New York, NY.

Individual Paper Presentation. “Leftist Social Movements in Chile: Ideologies of Race and Nation,” Canadian Anthropology Association (CASCA) and the Society for the Anthropology of North America (SANA) Solidarities Conference. May 11, 2016, Halifax, Canada.

Individual Paper Presentation. “Conceiving Chile: Erasing African Heritage,” Penn State University Race in the Americas Conference. April 26, 2016, State College, PA.

Individual Paper Presentation. “Claiming Public Space: Collective Art Actions in Pinochet-era Chile,” American University Public Anthropology Conference. October 6, 2013, Washington, DC.

Organized Conferences and Events

Lead Co-organizer. CUNY Graduate Center Digital Initiatives (GCDI) Sound Series. 2017-2018, New York, NY. (accessed July 25, 2018).

Lead Co-organizer. CUNY Graduate Center Digital Fellows Graduate Student Symposium: Activism and the Intersectional Internet: Power and Resistance. May 17, 2017, New York, NY. (accessed July 25, 2018).